Hey Jay,
Keep pushing forward, don’t let up the breaks, ok? You’re in an excellent transition period where your international entrepreneur career is about to unfold. You still have 20 days before you move back! That’s so little to be idle or lazy when you could be focusing your mind, pracitcing piano, and getting ready to dominate in Brazil.
This includes diet, working on your projects, exercising, and socializing with friends and family! Each day is a blessing, don’t you ever stop in remembering that. Go, go, go! Foot on the gas, there is no time to slow down. You still have so much more to do; so much more to experience; so much more to feel.
Be steadfast with your goals and keep in constant thought your ambitions. You can dream as big as you want to; you’re already dancing among the stars. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? In 10? Why stop there. There is so much more you can choose — countless options that you can make your reality.