New Website!

After many many hours and late nights, my new website is up and running; check it out:

My siblings and I came up with this idea way back in December when we were all together for the holidays.  I knew it was an awesome idea at the time, but didn’t really know where to begin.  Last quarter, for my writing for business class, we were given the assignment to compose a 15-page business proposal.  I thought to myself, why not the streetcar idea?

After compiling the research and history surmounting the issue, there is not a doubt in my mind that this could work.  Cincinnati could become a worldwide innovative leader in crowd funding to help cover the costs of the streetcar.  Now that all that remains is to get the idea out.  I recently submitted it in a Cincinnati-based competition.  Help a brotha out and vote for Project Streetcar in the Cincinnati Innovates competition:

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